Welcome to Assiut Microfluidics Lab (AML)!
Assiut Microfluidics Lab (AML) was established by Dr. Mohamed Omar Abdelgawad while he was an assistant/associate professor at the Department of Mechaincal Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt. Currently Dr. Abdelgawad is an Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering with the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirate. The research interests of our lab are in the area of microfluidics and its applications.
What is microfluidics?
Microfluidics is a new technology pertaining to liquid manipulation on the micron-size scale. It emerged in the early 1990’s originally to enhance the analytical performance of chemical systems, but was later found to offer a whole set of advantages resulting in its adoption in many fields, including biological analysis, chemical synthesis, electronics cooling, optics, and even information technology. Now, less than twenty years after its inception, microfluidics is at the core of a whole new technology, known as “Lab-on-a-Chip”, that made possible, on palm sized devices, processes that conventionally required bench-size equipment. A few examples of these processes include DNA amplification (PCR), High Performance Liquid chromatography (HPLC), and immunoassays.
To learn more about microfluidics, the advantages it offer, and applications that can benefit from its capacity, check our Introduction to Microfluidics presentation.
The AML mission is to:
Better understand the basics and fundamentals of driving and manipulating liquids in microfluidic devices.
Develop new, low cost microfabrication techniques to produce reliable microfluidic devices with the limited capabilities of typical research labs in developing countries.
Explore implementing microfluidics technology in new areas that can benefit from its capabilities.
To learn more about AML research interests, check our Research page.
AML News
March 2023: Dr. Abdelgawad gave a seminar titled “How to be a successful graduate student?” organized by the ASME student club.
March 2023: The senior design project team, Ali, Abdallah, Omar and Taha, supervised by Dr. Abdelgawad, received a 5,000 AED undergraduate research grant to support their project titled “A portable thermal cycler for PCR applications”.
March 2023: Malik’s paper titled “Minimum movable droplet volume in digital microfluidics depends on the grounding scheme in addition to electrode size” was accepted in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Congratulations Malik!
December 2022: Aisha successfully defended her thesis titled “Studying beating chacrateristics of bovine sperm cells using microfluidics”. Congratulations Aisha!
November 2022: The senior design project team, Marwan, Abdalhadi, Naveed and Mohammad, supervised by Dr. Abdelgawad, received a 6,000 AED undergraduate research grant to support their project titled “Autonomous solar-powered marine robot for collection of plastic trash”.
November 2022: Abdallah Abushahla received a 4,000 AED undergraduate research grant to support his research project titled “Characterization of the electrical properties of epoxy resins as low-cost dielectric coatings in Inkjet-printed Digital microfluidic devices”. Congratulations Abdallah!
October 2022: Ibraheem presented our our project “A low-cost platform with finger-operated-pumping for microfluidic preparation of nanoparticles” virtually in µTAS 2022, Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October, 2022.
September 2022: Our paper titled “Numerical modeling of sequential segmentation for enhancement of mixing inside microchannels” is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Thermofluids. The paper is available Open Access here.
July 2022: Dr. Abdelgawad receives 10,000 AED from the Research Office at AUS to support the involvement of undergraduate students, Megan and Ibraheem, in research projects.
May 2022: Mohamed Agam successfully defends his Master thesis. Congratulations Mohamed!
April 2022: Dr. Abdelgawad gives a lectures titled “How to be a good graduate student?” to CEN students at AUS as part of the student club of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
March 2022: Dr. Abdelgawad receives a Faculty Research Grant valued at 483,500 AED to develop a microfluidic platform for ex-vivo evaluation of uptake of estrone liposomes by breast cells.
March 2022: Dr. Abdelgawad gives a webinar for the Technical Community on Bionanotechnology and BioMEMS which is part of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
December 2021: Malik Al-Lababidi successfully defends his Master thesis. Congratulations Malik!
November 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad gives an invited talk titled "Mechanical Properties of Eutopic Endometrial Cells as a Biomarker for Endometriosis" in The 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2021) which was held virtually between 15-18 November, 2021.
October 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad gives a talk titled "The Role of Mechanical Engineering in Medical Diagnostics" on OCtober 25th. The talk was organized by Egypt chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
October 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk at Ajman University on October 20th in their webinar series titled "Nanotechnology in Disease Management".
October 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad and Malik Al-Lababidi travel to Palm Springs in California to attend microTAS 2021.
September 2021: Our paper titled "The Effect of Conjugating Estrone, the Concentration of PEG, and Flowrate Ratio on the Size of Liposomes Prepared in a Herringbone Micromixer" was accepted as an oral presentation in The 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2021) which will be held virtually between 15-18 November, 2021.
July 2021: Our new paper titled "minimum actuatable droplet volume in single-plate digital microfluidics devices with all-grounded electrodes" was accepted as a poster in The 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2021).
June 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad gave a series of weekly online lectures titled "Essential Research Skills" for research assistants and junior faculty at Faculty of Engineering in Assiut University.
March 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad gave a talk titled "An insight on microfluidics”, as part of the activities of ASME Student Chapter at AUS as part of their collaboration with RIT University in India, March 2021.
February 2021: Dr. Abdelgawad gives two online lectures on best practices in writing and publishing journal papers at Faculty of Engineering in Assiut University.
January 2021: Our paper on developing a microfluidics device for dissociation of clinical tissue into single cells has been accepted for publication in Biomedical microdevices.
October 2020: Mahmoud Salah's work on effect of channel geometry and flow parameters on size and polydispersity of NPs is published in Colloids and Surfaces A. Congratulations Mahmoud!
May 2020: Check our review titled "Digital microfluidics: Automating Liquid Handling on the Microscale" in IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine.
February 2020: Dr. Abdelgawad is awarded a Faculty Research Grant (FRG20) by the research office of the American University of Sharjah.
January 2020: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk titled "Effect of Geometrical and Flow parameters on Nanoprecipitation of Polymeric Nanoparticles Inside Microchannels”, at The 3rd New York University in Abu Dhabi Biomedical and Biosystems Conference, Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 12-14 January, 2020.
November 2019: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk titled "Mechanical Properties of Biological Cells as a Biomarker for Diagnostics" at the International Workshop on Biosensors and Biotechnology held at the American University in Cairo (AUC) on 20th November, 2019.
October 2019: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad attends microTAS 2019 in Switzerland as a member of the Technical Program Committee.
September 2019: Our collaborative work with Dr. Rafel Song from New York University in Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) on thrashing force of C. elegans was published in Lab on a Chip.
September 2019: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gives and invited talk at the Engineering Division seminar series at New York University in Abu Dhabi. The talk was titled "Microfluidics tools for reproductive health".
August 2019: Alsaeed's paper titled "Miniaturized Preparation of Polymeric Nanoparticles Using Droplet Manipulation on Open Surfaces" has been accepted in Micro and Nano Letters. Congratulations Alsaeed!
August 2019: Our paper titled "Performance of using deformability of endometrial cells as a diagnostic test for endometriosis" has been accepted as a late news paper in microTAS 2019 to be held in Basel, Switzerland in October, 2019.
May 2019: Ahmad Altayeb's paper on modeling calorimetric flow sensors has been accepted in Micro and Nano Letters. Congratulations Ahmad!
April 2019: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad traveled to Thailand to attend IEEE NEMS 2019.
April 2019: Ahmad Altayeb's platform for mechanical characterization of endometrial cells in endometriosis patients and healthy women was accepted for publication in Reproductive Sciences. Congratulations Ahmad!
March 2019: Abdelhady's work on developing a multi-purpose machine vision program for microfluidics application is accepted for publication in Biomedical Microdevices. Congratulations Abdelhady!
February 2019: We got three papers accepted for presentation (2 oral and one poster) at The 14th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineering and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2019) to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 11-14 April, 2019.
January 2019: Mahmoud Salah joins the Advanced Micro- and Nanosystems Laboratory at University of Toronto as a visiting student for 3 months.
October 2018: Mahmoud Salah is awarded a travel grant from the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) to present his paper in microTAS 2018 in Taiwan next month.
August 2018: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad takes the position of Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at the American University of Sharjah.
July 2018: Our study on optimization of preparation of polymeric nanoparticles inside a microchannel was accepted in microTAS 2018 to be held in Taiwan 11-15 November, 2018.
April 2018: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk on "Mechanical Deformability of Endometrial cells as a biomarker for Endometriosis" at the American University of Sharjah, UAE.
February 2018: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk at the International Conference on Material Science and Engineering organized by Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology. Dr. Abdelgawad's talk will be titled "Mechanical properties of Biological cells as a biomarker for diagnostics".
February 2018: Our collaborator, Dr. Essam Othman from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, presented our joint work on using mechanical properties of endometrial cells as a biomarker for Endometriosis in the 3rd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproduction Conference
February 2018: Our collaborator, Dr. Hatem Abdelhafez from the Department of Andrology, presented our joint work on rheotaxis of human spermatozoa and its relation to infertility in the 3rd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproduction Conference.
January 2018: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is interviewed by the cultural program on the Egyptian radio on the research achievement that led to being awarded the State Award for Early Career Researchers.
November 2017: Ahmad Altayeb defends his Master thesis titled "Studying Mechanical Deformability of Ednometrial Cells Inside Microchannels". Congratulations Ahmad!
September 2017: Ahmad Altayeb received a travel grant of $1,000 from the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society to cover his travel costs to present his paper titled "Mechanical Characterization Of Endometrial Cells as a Non-Surgical Diagnostic Test For Endometriosis" in microTAS 2017 in Savannah, USA this October. Congratulations Ahmad!
August 2017: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is hosted by the regional radio station (إذاعة شمال الصعيد) after winning the Sate Award for Early Career Researchers.
July 2017: Ahmad Altayeb abstract titled "Mechanical Characterization Of Endometrial Cells as a Non-Surgical Diagnostic Test For Endometriosis" was accepted in microTAS 2017. Congratulations Ahmad!
June 2017: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad contribute to an article on the applications of microtechnology in medicine and biology at Al-Seyassah newspaper in Kuwait.
May 2017: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is awarded the State Award for early career researchers.
May 2017: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave a lecture titled "Microfluidics: Tiny Tools for Big Challenges" at Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology.
April 2017: Our research project with Prof. Yu Sun at University of Toronto on using digital microfluidics for vitrification of mammalian embryos was published as a chapter in the book Cryopreservation of Mammalian Gametes and Embryos.
March 2017: Our paper titled "Effect of pH on Rheotaxis of Bull Sperm Using Microfluidics" is accepted for publication in Reproduction in Domestic Animals.
February 2017: We received our inverted microscope (Zeiss Axiovert A1)
January 2017: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk at the Biomedical and Biosystems Conference to be organized by New York University in Abu Dhabi in April 2017.
December 2016: Abdelhady defends his Master thesis. Congratulations Abdelhady!
November 2016: AML moves to our new lab space beside the clean room. Check our moving album.
October 2016: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad appears in a podcast by Nature Middle East.
October 2016: Abdelhady and Dr. Abdelgawad travel to microTAS 2016.
September 2016: Alsaeed travels to the United States to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) titled Makers:Innovation, STEM Education, and Entrepreneurship.
September 2016: Check our new page on equipment available in the lab.
September 2016: Alsaeed receives a Travel grant from the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) to attend microTAS2016 in Dublin Ireland.
August 2016: Our tissue dissociation work is accepted as a Late News submission at microTAS 2016 to be held in Dublin, Ireland, in October 2016.
July 2016: Ahmad Altayeb receives an EMBL Corporate Partnership Programme Fellowships and travels to Hidelberg, Germany, to present his work on Mechanical Characterization of cells at EMBL Microfluidics.
July 2016: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gives an invited talk titled "Microfluidics tools for assisted reproduction" at Kyoto University, Japan.
June 2016: Abdelhady and Alsaeed got two accepted abstracts at microTAS 2016 to be held in Dublin in October 2016. Congratulations!
June 2016: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gives an invited talk on contact angle saturation at the 10th International Meeting on Electrowetting held in Taiwan during the period 19 - 22 June 2016.
May 2016: Ahmad Altayeb's work on Mechanical Characterization of cells is accepted as a poster at EMBL Microfluidics. Congratulations Ahmad!
April 2016: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is promoted to the rank of Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering.
March 2016: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited to give a talk on Biological applications of Microfluidics at Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology.
March 2016: The undergraduate capstone project supervised by Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad, "Designing and building a peristaltic pump for biomedical applications", was accepted for funding by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
March 2016: Waleed Salman successfully defended his Master Thesis titled "Effect of Droplet Electrical Properties and Frequency of Applied Voltage on electrical Forces in Digital Microfluidic Devices". Congratulations Waleed!
February 2016: AML received a thermal evaporation and sputtering system NTE-3000 from Nano-Master. This system enables coating of thin metallic and dielectric films from few angstroms to hundreds of nanometers.
December 2015: AML received the long waited uPG101 Pattern generator from Heidelberg Instruments. This maskless writing system will enable fast production of microfluidics devices without the need for ordering a separate mask for each new design.
December 2015: The CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) plugin for image-J developed by Mohamed Elsayed at Assiut Microfluidics Lab is being used by other laboratories in Canada, India, and Japan.
November 2015: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad attended the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition in Houston, Texas, to present our two papers accepted in the conference.
July 2015: Mohamed Elsayed's paper titled "Development of Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) Plugin for analyzing sperm motion in microfluidic environments using Image-J" has been accepted for publications at Theriogenology. Congratulations Mohamed!
June 2015: Our paper titled "Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Flow Arrangement and Number of Layers on the Performance of Multi-layer Microchannel Heat Sinks" was accepted in ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2015, in Houston, Texas, in November 2015.
June 2015: Our paper titled "Interfacial Electrical Shear Stresses Induce Electrohydrodynamic Flows Inside Droplets Actuated By Electrowetting" was accepted in ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2015, in Houston, Texas, in November 2015.
February 2015:Hassan's paper titled "Repulsion-Based Model for Contact Angle Saturation in Electrowetting" has been accepted for publication in Biomicrofluidics. Congratulations Hassan!
January 2015: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad accepted an adjunct position at the Center of Nanotechnology at Zewail City of Science and Technology.
December 2014: Mohamed Elsayed Joined The Center of Nanoelectronics and Devices at Zewail City of Science and Technology as a research assistant. Mohamed Also got enrolled in the Master program at the American University in Cairo. We wish Mohamed all the best in his new position.
December 2014: Our collaborator Omnia Omar is awarded second best paper award at CIBEC 2014 for her paper "Tissue dissociation miniaturized platform for uterine stem cell isolation and culture". Congratulations Omnia!
December 2014: Assiut microfluidics lab team attends CIBEC2014 in Cairo.
November 2014: Waleed Salman accepted a full time position at ASEC Qena Cement Factory. We wish Waleed all the best with his new job.
November 2014: Our paper on sperm rheotaxis got the outside front cover of December 2014 issue of Integrative Biology.
November 2014: Abdelhady Mostafa was awarded a Research Support Grant from the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to fund his Master research project titled: Computer vision for the automation of microfluidic platforms used for mechanical characterization of biological cells. Congratulations Abdelhady!
October 2014: Our projects on Sperm Rheotaxis, Low cost Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis, and Tissue dissociation using microfluidics were accepted for oral presentation at CIBEC2014 (an IEEE conference) in Cairo in December, 2014. Congratulation to Mohamed Elsayed, Hassan Abdelmoumen, and Omnia Omar.
September 2014: Our manuscript on characterization of rheotaxis of bull sperm using microfluidics was accepted for publication in Integrative Biology (IF=3.99)
August 2014: Our manuscript on mammalian embryo vitrification using digital microfluidics was accepted in PLoS one (IF=3.54)
August 2014: Hassan has successfully defended his Master thesis on August 14th, 2014. Thesis title was: Modeling of Contact Angle Saturation in Electrowetting on Dielectric Systems. Congratulations Hassan!
June 2014: Waleed and Abdelhady's abstracts were accepted for presentation at microTAS 2014 in San Anotnio, USA. Abdelhady's Abstract is titled: Development of a Simple, Robust and Real-Time Image Processing Algorithm For Tracking and Analyzing Cells and Droplets Inside Microchannels, and Waleed's Abstract is titled: Effect of Electrical Conductivity and Permittivity of Liquids and Frequency of The Applied Voltage On Droplets Actuation On Digital Microfluidic Devices
June 2014: The Egyptian Student Association at University of Toronto invited Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad to give a lecture on funding opportunities available for researchers in Egypt. You can watch the lecture here.
May 2014: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad was invited to judge the oral presentations of MATCH students at Ontario on Chip meeting at University of Toronto.
May 2014: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk at Ontario on a Chip meeting which is held annually at University of Toronto. The talk was titled "Automated Vitrification of Mammalian Embryos Using Digital Microfluidics".
May 2014: Dr. Othman Hassan (as PI) and Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad (as Co-PI) were awarded a Research Support Grant by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to support a graduation project for 4th year mechanical students titled "Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Micro-Channel Heat Sink for Electronic Devices Cooling".
May 2014: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk titled "Biological Applications of Microfluidics" at Zewail city of science and technology on May 7th, 2014.
May 2014: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-Just) in Borg El-Arab, Alexandria, on the different applications of microfluidics on May 4th, 2014.
March 2014: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad joined a team with Dr. Mahmoud Elsabahy (Faculty of Pharmacy) and Dr. Mostafa Hamad (Faculty of Medicine) and submitted a proposal to Grand Challenges Canada to develop a microchip for the diagnosis of HCV virus.
March 2014: Dr. Essam Eldien Rashad Othman from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (as PI) and Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad (as Co-PI) received a Basic and Applied Research Grant from STDF titled "Non-surgical diagnosis of endometriosis: Incorporating clinical, hormonal and biomechanical factors into an integrated model". Part of the grant fund will be used to study mechanical properties of endometrium cells of endometriosis patients.
February 2014: Beshoy Nabil and Kerulus Yousef from last year's project "Building a syringe pump for microfluidics applications" receive the Young Innovator Award from Dr. Ramzy George, Minister of Academic Research, in the ceremony organized by Nahdet Elmahrousa. Congratulations!
November, 2013: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is selected as a referee for SHAGHAL competition organized by Nahdet Elmahrousa for recent graduates who would like to turn their graduation projects into small businesses.
October 2013: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad and Derek Pyne attend microTAS2013 in Germany to present a poster titled "Partially filled electrodes for digital microfluidics".
September, 2013: Beshoy Ashraf and Kerolos Yousef are hosted by "Radio Misr" to talk about their graduation project "Building a syringe pump for microfluidics applications".
August, 2013: Graduation project "Building a syringe pump for microfluidics applications" won the first place nationally in the Young Innovator Award (YIA) from Nahdet Elmahrousa organization.
August, 2013: One of the graduation projects supervised by Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad, titled "Building a syringe pump for microfluidic and medical applications", is highlighted on Al-Ahram website (Al-Ahram is the newspaper with the largest distribution over all Egypt).
July, 2013: AML welcomes its 6th member Mohamed Farghal.
July, 2013: AML hosted two presentations by Mohamed Zanaty and Ahmed Khaled, research assistants at the electrical engineering department, on July 25th and August 1st, 2013, on their research performed at IMEC in Belgium as part of their CENA scholarships. Presentations were titled "Design and modeling of MEMS resonators for bio-molecular sensing applications" and "Characterization of bio-coated MEMS resonators for molecular sensing applications", respectively.
June, 2013: The graduation project "Building a syringe pump for microfluidic applications" supervised by Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad won the Young Innovators Award offered by Nahdet Elmahrousa (L.E. 6000 value).
June, 2013: Derek's work on Partially filled electrodes for digital microfluidic devices has been accepted for presentation in microTAS 2013 in Germany. Congratulations Derek.
June, 2013: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave a talk titled "Biological Applications of Microfluidics" at the Department of Microbiology at Faculty of Medicine on June 17th, 2013.
April, 2013: Journal of Green Processing and Synthesis publishes a profile of Assiut Microfluidics Lab. The full text of the profile is available here.
March, 2013: Assiut Microfluidics Lab will be hosting Dr. Sherine Aly from department of Microbiology to give a lecture on the basics of DNA replication and PCR on March 14th, 2013.
March, 2013: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad will be giving 2 lectures on how to use EndNote as a bibliography management software on March 2nd, and 3rd 2013 in a course organized by the Knowledge Transfer Office at Assiut University.
January, 2013: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad was honored in Assiut University Science day for receiving Misr Elkair Publication award.
December, 2012: Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad will be giving 4 lectures in the "Essential Research Skills" course organized by the Knowledge Transfer office at Assiut University on 24-26 December, 2012.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad was awarded Misr Elkhair Publication Award for the year 2011 for his paper titled "A Fast and Simple Method to Fabricate Circular Microchannels in Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)" published in Lab on Chip in 2011 (Impact factor = 5.67).
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad (as co-PI) and Dr. Taymour El-Sherry from faculty of veterinary medicine (as PI) won a Research Support Grant from the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to develop a microfluidic platform for sperm analysis.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad will give an invited talk, "Digital Microfluidics: a New Tool in the Microfluidics Toolbox", at the Micro Flow Chemistry and Biology Workshop (MIFCAB) to be held in Amman, Jordan, on 7th and 8th November, 2012.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk, "Microfluidics: the Power of Small", at Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) on 17th of October, 2012.
AML welcomes its 4th member Mohamed Elsayed.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad together with Dr. Ahmad M. R. Fath Elbab and Dr. Mohsen Abdelnaeim, from the mechanical Engineering Department received a Capacity Building Grant from the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to establish a microfabrication facility at Assiut University.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad , Hassan and Waleed have attended the 8th International Meeting on Electrowetting at Athens, Greece from 21-23 June, 2012.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is invited by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) to participate in an open table discussion on the future of technology transfer in Egypt on May 8th, 2012.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is awarded an STDF reintegration grant for a project titled " Modeling Droplet Actuation in Digital Microfluidics to Enhance its Performance in Biomedical Applications"
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad is appointed interim director of Assiut University Technology Transfer office starting Dec. 6th, 2011.
Abdelrahman Meshref appeared on Egyptian National TV (Channel 1) to discuss his graduation project "Low cost microfabrication alternatives from CD drives"
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad invited Dr. Hisham Mohamed from IBM Watson research labs, NY, to give a lecture titled "BioMEMS: An enabling technology" on Tuesday, October 18th, 2011.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad attended a 4-day training on IP protection at the European patent office in Vienna, from 12-16 September, 2011.
Graduation projects supervised by Dr. Mohamed Abdelgwad won two Young Innovators Awards (L.E 6000 each) offered by Nahdet Elmahrosa organization
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad attended a 2-day training on "IP in business practice" at the European Patent Office in Munich from 25-26 May, 2011.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad attended a 2-day training on "Building and Defending IP value" at the European Patent Office in Berlin, from 17-18 May, 2011.
Dr. Mohamed Abdelgawad gave an invited talk at the American University in Cairo titled "Microfluidics: the power of small" on June 29th, 2011.
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