MP221 Engineering Analysis II
Course description
Download the course outline.
Course instructors
Dr. Mohamed Omar Abdelgawad
Office: 2nd floor - Heat laboratory
Office hours: 3:00 - 4:00 pm on Monday
3:00 - 4:00 pm on Wednesday
E-mail: M[dot]abdelgawad[at]aun[dot]edu[dot]eg
Teaching assistants
Eng. Ali Ismail (المهندس/ علي إسماعيل)
Office: Third floor - Mechanical Engineering Department
Office hours: TBD
E-mail: amgreshy[at]aun[dot]edu[dot]eg
Eng. Mohamed Eid (المهندس/ محمد عيد)
Office: Third floor - Mechanical Engineering Department
Office hours: TBD
E-mail: mohamedeid_2015[at]yahoo[dot]com
Lectures and tables
Lecture #1: General course introduction
Solving higher order linear homogeneous ODE with constant coefficients (Adapted from Material of Prof. Zachry S Tseng at Penny State University)
Integration tables
Table of common Laplace transforms
Assignment#2 (Euler-Cauchy and higher order ODE)
Assignment#3 (Non-homogeneous ODE)
Assignment#4 (Free vibrations)
Assignment#5 (Forced vibrations)
Assignment#6 (Power series)
Assignment #7 (Laplace transforms)
Assignment #8 (Fourier series)
Assignment #9 (Partial Differential equations)
Assignment solutions
Bonus projects
Solution of quizzes and exams
Interesting Videos